Friday, 4 December 2009

Photos now online - yay!

Hoorah! My fingers have finally thawed out enough to spend a bit time on the computer so yesterday I managed to put a large selection of my photographs online. The albums have been made 'public' so I will post the links here and you should have no trouble viewing them. If you do hit a snag, however, please let me know!

* Videos to follow soon...*

"Introducing the Owino Family" - Danny (4), Winnie (9), John (10), David (16), Issac (14), Lydia (12), Maureen (14), Charlie (17), Uboo (16), Agnes (aunt), Florence (mother) and Moses (father).

"It's all about the kids" - Photos of the donations from my friends and wider social network being given out at the school and to local children.

"Kyabirwa Primary School" - Days spent at the school.

"Children of Uganda" - Some snapshots of the children from Kyabirwa and the surrounding villages.

"Life at the Owino compound"- Living with/like the Owinos can be hard at times ... but mostly FUN!

"Out & About in Uganda" - Street life etc. Time spent away from the compound at Bujagali, Jinja and of course the swimming pool with the kids. Oh, and me eating white ants!

"My leaving party, goodbye Uganda!" - The Owino family sent me home in style, ensuring that I will never forget them.

Yes, I know there are a lot but honestly this isn't even half of the amount I took. Everything over there was so beautiful and so exciting - and the children were just incredible - I couldn't put my camera down! If you have time, please do browse the photographs. If I do say so myself - ahem - it's some of my best work to date :-)

The final Blog update documenting my last precious days with the Owino family is coming I promise ...

Wednesday, 2 December 2009


Hey folks! I've been receiving emails asking where on earth I am and why I have left my Blog 'hanging in the air'. Reeeally sorry about that and, with reference to the last couple of days I spent in Uganda, I will post an update here very soon. I have just been so busy since I got home - trying to keep warm, washing the mud out of my clothes/toenails/ears/hair, catching up with my family and spending some one-to-one time with my son. I haven't even reviewed my photographs yet which is totally bizarre for me as they would normally all be online by now!

But do not fear - I can confirm that there is more to come and you will soon hear all about the wonderful (and unexpected) leaving party that the Owino family threw for me, plus my reflections etc now that I'm home.

I have my annual coach trip to the wonderful city of Bath this weekend with my mom but I hope that I will get a chance to update the Blog by Friday, and then begin with the photographs early next week. For those of you who are not connected to me through my Facebook and have found this Blog through Google 'tags', I will be creating a video or two using a selection of photos and uploading them onto YouTube so you won't miss out. I will post links here when completed.

By the way, has everyone seen the full moon tonight? Nights like this at the compound were absolutely stunning. The whole place would be lit up by the moonlight and stars - it was just so beautiful and peaceful *sigh* Oh Uganda, I miss you!